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Mommy Makeover FAQs

Mommy makeover FAQs Seattle & Everett

Becoming a mother is a joyful, life-changing experience. But after having children, you may yearn for one aspect of your pre-baby life: the body you had before pregnancy.

If you need help beyond what diet and exercise can accomplish, you might consider a mommy makeover with Dr. David Pratt of Pratt Plastic Surgery. In this post, Dr. Pratt answers some of his patients’ most frequently asked questions. Hopefully the answers to these questions will help you make decisions about whether mommy makeover is right for you.

What Does Mommy Makeover Treat?

Mommy makeover treats physical changes caused by pregnancy, childbirth and nursing. A mommy makeover typically includes a combination of breast surgery (e.g., breast lift with or without breast augmentation) and tummy tuck; some mommy makeovers also include liposuction or other body contouring procedures.

What Happens During Mommy Makeover?

During a typical mommy makeover, Dr. Pratt generally does the following:

  • Lifts flat or sagging breasts higher on the chest
  • Tightens the abdominal muscles
  • Removes excess abdominal skin and fat
  • Tightens the remaining abdominal skin

Some women opt to have their breasts enhanced with the placement of saline or silicone implants; others request breast reduction to alleviate the physical symptoms of large, oversized breasts.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Mommy Makeover?

Candidates should be in good overall health and not plan to have children after mommy makeover. They should have reasonable expectations of what surgery can achieve.

How Long Does Mommy Makeover Take?

The procedures included in the mommy makeover can be combined into a single operation or staged out into different operations.

How Quickly Will I Recover From Mommy Makeover?

Every patient recovers differently. Most are able to return to work and most of their normal responsibilities after two weeks of recovery. Others need a little more time to recuperate.

When Should I Time My Mommy Makeover?

If you are considering mommy makeover, you must allow time for your body to recover and stabilize after childbirth and weaning your baby. You should be at a stable weight at the time of your surgery to see the best results.

Also, you should delay surgery until you are reasonably sure you are done having children. Mommy makeover patients can still have healthy pregnancies and babies, but may see their results deteriorate.

You should also plan to have your surgery when you have time to adequately recover. You will also need a set of extra hands to manage childcare, cooking, cleaning and other chores for at least the first week of your recovery.

Talk to Dr. Pratt About Your Mommy Makeover Options

To learn more about mommy makeover and how it can help you reclaim a slim, sexy body after children, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Pratt. Contact our practice today to request a consultation.


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